Another Christmas Sell-Out!
12th April 2016
Every year the four bands of the Shepherd Group put on a Gala Christmas Concert at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre in York, and every year the concert is a huge success!

This year audiences were treated to some beautiful festive music played by musicians of all ages, they experienced Mike Pratt’s dancing and even witnessed a flashmob! But it’s safe to say it all went down a treat.
Our sponsor Mr Patrick Shepherd had this to say:
“Each year each of the bands gets better but this year we were struck by how good the Academy band is now, but the Brass Band was exceptional, particularly its playing of ‘Fire in the Blood’ that was really moving. It is a great pleasure that the group is associated with such a successful enterprise, it has achieved so much over the last 10 or so years.”
Our Christmas concerts at Joseph Rowntree are proving to be so successful that we are even in talks with the theatre about putting on a third night next year – so keep an eye out!
Tickets for our summer concert, which is taking place on 4th June at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre are now on sale and are selling fast!